Contact Us

Taking an honest, straightforward approach to investing.

At Edgewater Family Wealth, we provide common sense investing advice to our clients. Our wealth management advisors don’t promise huge returns on risky investments or claim to know the secrets that will make you rich overnight. Instead, we follow the proven path of setting financial goals and developing a realistic plan that will help enable you to achieve them.

We’ve enabled our clients to strive for their financial goals through:

  • Developing effective retirement strategies
  • Assessing the state of their financial assets
  • Setting investment goals
  • Creating a plan that will help make those goals a reality

Who We Serve

Business Owners
From assessing the value of your business for sale to managing your family enterprise, we will design a plan that will help enable you to meet all of your future goals.

$750+ In Retirement Assets
Our dedicated client services team will review your current retirement strategy and develop a personalized portfolio to help make that strategy a reality.

High Net Worth Individuals
Our focus on wealth management allows you to preserve and grow your assets to help your legacy remain intact and future generations remain provided for.

Send Us a Message

Thank you for contacting Edgewater Family Wealth. Please fill out the form below, and a member of our team will connect with you shortly.

Office: (407) 648-1881 Fax: (407) 965-3313

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